How to generate quality spatial data for GIS

GEOGRAMA - How to generate quality spatial data for GIS

The concept of quality is something we all think we understand, but often fail to define exactly. The same thing happens with spatial data. For this reason, from Geograma we leave you this article in which we clarify it, as well as we emphasize the main aspects involved when generating geographic information with high quality […]

Common data spaces, their usefulness and current situation in the European Union

Common data spaces European Union

In the data ecosystem, the more, higher quality, useful, up-to-date and reliable data, the better. This is not possible without mechanisms to facilitate their exchange, regardless of their origin and other differentiating factors. To promote this situation, the European Union is working on the creation of various common data spaces for different professional environments. Let’s […]

Geographical data, environment and the Europe of the future

GEOGRAMA - Geographical data, environment and the Europe of the future

The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) have just published their strategy for 2021-2030. We analyze its most relevant points, in which data, including geographical ones, are protagonists.